The main programme of events is curated by Vladiya Mihaylova.

The aim of the discussion programme is to turn the site of the mausoleum into a kind of agora - a common place that focuses public interest on three larger themes arising from the work itself.

    The discussion puts the theme of the contemporary city at the centre. Its different faces, the individuality of its neighbourhoods, the communities in its different parts, its multicultural face. How does the city become ours?
    Places of memory in the city. The active cultural layers, the forgotten heritage, the hidden places, the spaces of conflict.
    Our imagination of the city in / of the future. Architectural and urban perspectives. The possible community. Reflecting on the past and reframing shared memory.

Share your ideas for events

If you have an idea for an event, performance, talk, etc., please contact us using the form below or write to us at: events@[no spam please]

Briefly describe your idea/proposal. We will get back to you as soon as possible and continue our conversation from there to bring your idea to life in the most productive way. Please read the program description with accompanying events and general criteria.

Thank you!